- This web site is hosted on a co-located server a few of us maintain. Interested in any web services? Or maybe just seeing what we're up to? Check out It's a work in progress.
- An rarely-updatd web log: look
- The web address of The Greenery has changed. Fear not. I have updated the link in the following sentence. High-resolution originals of pictures from 2001 on, as well as video clips, are available on The Greenery.
- Trouble playing vids? If so, download this .zip file, extract it, and follow the SIMPLE directions (which pretty much amount to double-clicking another file in the archive). It should take all of 10 seconds to do.
- Mozilla Firefox. Get it. Use it. Love it.
I am working on doing some catching-up on photos on this site. I have been lagging badly. Starting right about now I am using a new format for any photo albums I create, too, as you'll notice if you peruse them in the near future. I will also be looking to update my resume as there have been some rather drastic changes on that front. I'm still living in Lakewood, OH, and enjoying it. I guess I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I *do* enjoy Cleveland. As usual, it's great to hear from anyone, so don't hesitate to drop me a line if we haven't talked for a while...or if you're in the neighborhood, the door's always open. Hope all is well wherever you may be reading this from. Take care,
Jeff (email - jeffrey dot leake at ohio dot edu) - March 16, 2009