W.E.R.C. Pregame - Preparation for Competition

March/April 2001
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This is when we thought a typical drill press would be used to drill the 2-inch holes to a depth of 6 inches. As it happened, there was not enough horizontal clearance to fit the connector in. Things were not looking good, and Scott was about to go F5.
Dr. Deno and his 3-axis milling saved the day. Scott and I spent 37 hours straight in Stocker that weekend. This is our story.
Mike made a stencil to ease locating the center of each face in which to drill.
And then we drilled the 2-inch holes to a depth of 6 inches and, in many cases, completely through the PSL to the face on the opposite side. Let me tell you, that engineered lumber is tough stuff and chewed up the bits.
And we drilled.......
And we drilled.
Here's bit number one after an extended session of drilling. We deemed this one The Champ, because it just would not die. We sharpened her and brought her back time and again.
Then we drilled........